Help Your Patients Sleep Tonight!
The EMA-NOW is the latest development based on the original EMA® Custom designed by Dr. Don Frantz in 1993. EMA has been successfully utilized by thousands of Dentists globally to treat patients suffering from sleep apnea and OSA.
The EMA-NOW further expands the reach of oral appliance therapy by providing a simple and immediate temporary treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnea and snoring. It’s unique ability to be easily fitted chair-side provides your patient a semi-custom device with the same easy titration straps as the original EMA. The result is a comfortable and adjustable temporary device for OSA and snoring that will give your patient an immediate solution while their EMA Custom is being made, during appliance repairs, the CPAP recall or even assist in letting them try out the EMA experience before committing to an EMA Custom appliance.

The EMA-NOW – A Semi-Custom, Medical Oral Appliance
The EMA-Now® acts as a mandibular repositioner, is FDA cleared and is indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate nighttime snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

“The “EMA NOW” and from my experience, this is a game changer for our profession. This product is FDA cleared for both sleep disorders and also in the treatment of TMD. In the past months, I have utilized the EMA NOW as a temporary TMD device while I am awaiting the custom orthotic from my lab. This allows me to immediately start getting the patient out of pain and the patient feels better when I get the real orthotic.”

“The EMA-NOW is a great chair side solution for many purposes. We primarily use it a temporary or trial sleep appliance for patients that are not certain if a custom appliance will help them prior to investing in one. However, it does not stop there. Whether you have a broken sleep appliance and need a quick solution without lab delays or your patient loses their appliance and needs a temporary fix, the EMA-NOW is a great option. It has allowed sleep dentistry some quick chair side solutions…in just a few minutes. Fitting and retention are amazing and it comfortably fits all types of jaw shapes.”